Community Calendar
- American Legion Post 298 - 2nd Thursday at 6:30pm at the Post Home, corner of Ellen & 5th Streets
- Dixon Athletic Booster Club - meets each month at 7:00pm in the Dixon High School Library
- Dixon Ambulance Board - 2nd Monday at 7:00pm in the Ambulance Building on Ellen Street
- Dixon Area Caring Center - last Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm at the Caring Center
- Dixon Area Chamber of Commerce - 3rd Monday at 6:00pm at the Jessie E. McCully Memorial Library - Dixon Library, 200 S Pine Street
- Dixon Community Alliance (DCA) - 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 6pm at the Caring Center
- Dixon Firefighters - every Thursday at 7pm at the Firehouse on High School Drive
- Dixon Lions Club - 1st & 3rd Wednesdays at 5:30pm at Oak Hills County Club
- Dixon R-1 School Board - 3rd Thursday at 6:00pm in the Administration Building
- Dixon Senior Citizens Center Site Council - 3rd Wednesday at 8:30am at the Senior Citizens Center on Old Y Road
- Gasconsage Electric Cooperative Board - 3rd Thursday at 6:00pm at the Cooperative Headquarters on Highway 28
- Arlington Lodge #346 - 3rd Tuesday at 7:00pmat the Lodge Hall on High School Drive
- Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4238 - 2nd Tuesday at 6:30pm at the VFW Post Hall, corner of Highway 28 and Chestnut Street
- VFW Post 4238 Auxiliary - 2nd Thursday at 7:00pm at the VFW Post Hall, corner of Highway 28 and Chestnut Street
- Kickapoo Trace Muzzleloaders - for more information follow them on Facebook or email them at [email protected]